Once Upon a Journey

A clarity of dreams anticipates your return
and in my eyes awaits an audience of stars.

Strong waves lash my arms, wet with the Caribbean’s
spindrift air and willful northeasterly winds.

A stretched galactic canvas, here lies an ecstasy
of youth exploding like a supernova.

Here now and then interconnect, matter.
In gales of will and abandon, please come:

Unfurl your sails by sailors rigged.
Glide, surge, pulse, pivot. Let’s gather

and store caresses for the rough journey
into tomorrow. And though a lover’s frailty

obscures my senses I cannot drown.
I sleep, wade deep in wide water.

About prufrock21

M. A. Ramos is a writer of short stories and poetry from the Caribbean. He grew up and was educated in Chicago, IL, has a master's in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) and currently works as an Auxiliary Administrator for the Dept. of Education in his hometown. He has published stories in small literary mags such as Chiricú (Indiana University) and Latino Stuff Review, and poetry in Dragonfly, Rattle, Latino Stuff Review, Cyclo*Flame, and Writer’s Digest. His poems have appeared online at Red River Review, The Cortland Review and Gold Dust Magazine. His Kindle books can be found here: Investigative Eye: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G96LEDA Pocket Horror: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JTK0K6K Pocket Sci-Fi: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01J4H4COE Pray for the Hit Man: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KS1389U The Horror Writer: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I2D7QI0 Treasure of Darkness: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XKPYCRP
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